Sunday, July 20, 2008

John liked the hike to the "Gratto" on the 5th of July.

CJ feeding the animals at Thanksgiving Point. Although 2 days later we spent 6 hours at the museum....Mostly waiting for CJ. She loved that place.
CJ donated her hair when we were in Utah. She has also lost her two front teeth. "Talk about growing up fast! " She likes her new hair cut and the only request she had as she was getting her hair cut was ..."If its a boy make it short." or in other words if a little boy gets her hair cut make his hair short

Thursday, May 1, 2008

After 8 years I decided it was time to put up drapes. I'm not too sure about them but you can get use to anything if its up long enough. And they keep the boogie man from peeking in when Trent on business trips.

John finally lost his 2 front teeth. After about a month of dangling loose teeth the last one literally fell out. Hooray!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

CJ and "Spikie" the Lizard
Friends at the Egg Hunt

April Fools

Yes we do still exist Life is still good but busy. Easter was great.
CJ on the Easter Egg hut found a lizard. Yes, that is right a lizard. It was fun to watch her, one handed, put down her basket and pick up an egg because she was not going to let go of her lizard. We purchased crickets but the lizard did not eat them so 72 hours later "spikie" is free.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

John is 7!

John had a handball birthday party. The cake was allot rounder but as it heated up it started to sag. He had a great time playing handball with his school friends.

Chicken Nugget?

With a little rearranging of furniture the bird is now safe...still stupid...but safe. Jack bird actually kept climbing to the top of the cage to check out the cat.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hi Grandpa!

Hi Grandpa!

Hope you get this. We sure miss you!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hi Grandma!

We wanted you to see their Halloween photo too.

Spit It Out

I wanted to send this video with her birthday clips but is has taken me some time to figure out how to edit my video. ENJOY! By the way we all ate the cake anyway.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Walk with Jane

Christmas is over and now I thought I would start a blog spot. Or in other words, I don't want to do all the things I should be doing. Actually what I want really want to do is go on a long walk with my friend Jane. Because that won't be happening, I will just send her a walk.

John and CJ on Christmas Eve. In the tub.

We have a new cat Prancer. I thought I would never have a indoor pet. But, after crying in the parking lot at Stater Bro. for 10 minutes, I purchased all the cat paraphernalia possible and now I love the darn critter.

CJ gives Prancer a run for her money but in the end it couldn't be a better match.

Prancer the new Queen of our home.

CJ's 5th birthday party was a blast. We had California snow that you could actually eat.

As close as we'll ever get to snow angels and as close as I'm gonna get to a walk with Jane.